Save on Vet Consultation Fee’s with VIDIVET & Fit And Fertile!

Fit And Fertile working in conjunction with VIDIVET  – an online 24/7 Vet Support for Fit And Fertile’s clients, new and old, to sign up to ask any questions to a Vet.

With the Fit And Fertile discount of £29.70, the annual subscription cost has reduced to £62.00. Cheaper than paying for Vets Consultation Fee’s at each visit, saving animal owners ££££’s. Not just for dogs, all your animals at no extra cost!

Ask any question to our vets 24/7.

Get a personalised video response from our vets.

Play and re-play the advice as many times as you need.

For more information, go back to the homepage and click on the VIDIVET page to sign-up!